Two instructors assist a male participant with dark hair and light skin.

Health and Wellness

The Ability Now Bay Area Health and Wellness program is directed at optimizing participants' health outcomes, as well as equipping them with skills and knowledge to improve their physical and mental wellness.

People with severe physical disabilities often deal with the chronic pain and musculoskeletal stiffness that comes from overusing the functioning parts of their bodies to compensate for those that are impaired. Over time, their limitation of movement increases—and so does their pain.

Our Health and Wellness program is one of the only programs of its kind in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The Wellness Program helps participants increase functionality and relieve pain and discomfort through the use of integrative health therapies such as adaptive yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure, Feldenkrais movement therapy, and massage therapy.  Classes in nutrition, healthful cooking, movement and exercise, and making healthy lifestyle choices are also available for a full wellness experience.

The knowledge and skills acquired in this program empower participants to improve their lives by learning how to care for themselves and, when necessary, how to seek appropriate interventions from others. Equally important, this program provides them with tools they can use for the rest of their lives.

Ability Now Bay Area is now accepting new participants to join our learning community!
Contact us today for more information on how to join our in-person, hybrid, or remote programs!